And I said, "Mike, dude, don't you know you are calling the wrong house?"
But Mike, like many of my Tea Party callers, wasn't interested in me. Oh no, it was all 'liberal agenda of Barack Obama" this and "serious time for our country" that, and some 'protect life' thrown in for good measure. Oh, and did you hear? Joe Miller is bold. And apparently, Mike called from a place called "Foreign Exchange" with a 402 area code.
So I went back to watching some mass entertainment put out by the vast liberal conspiracy to corrupt our youth and turn all tweens into sexters, although honestly, I have a hard time seeing the connection between Quentin Tarantino's "Death Proof" and any threat to the as-yet unlabeled generation. What are they? Generation Z? Did anyone actually watch "Death Proof?"
So there I was, back on the couch with a beer watching some pretty mindless violence. And who should call? Lt. Governor Loren Leman. Funny right? Loren and I don't talk on the phone much. He prefers things to remain the way they are -- him down in Juneau doing not much other than hop on the wagon of more charismatic candidates and spout some right wing clap trap, and me up here in Goldstream Valley rereading my copy of the liberal agenda to my same sex partner and occasionally writing a check to radical groups like those organic food growing CSAs. Loren: Happy. Me: Happy.
But no, Loren had to mess with our happy arrangement (see above) and try to convince me to vote for Joe Miller. Apparently Loren had been talking with Mike and a previous caller with the code name Alaskans for Common Sense. Loren was very concerned about the Barack Obama's liberal agenda. (Must remember to see if it is the same version as mine.)
It was impossible to get a word in edgewise.
I did eventually hang up, and would have called back later to apologize for my rudeness, but Mike was calling from a phone number that my caller id could not suss out. I guess I'll have to wait until he calls back.