Ohmagawd! BP is cutting jobs after successfully convincing enough voters that Propostion 1 would result in fewer jobs for Alaskans. How dare they!
I mean, how much clearer could the "Vote No On 1" campaign have been? Because I am now a middle-aged person, I went back to the website to remind myself, hadn't they been very clear that JOBS were at stake? "Join our coalition to ensure jobs, a strong economy and to secure Alaska's future." Wasn't the connection between tax breaks and jobs made explicit? Weren't they making a promise?
No, Virginia, they weren't.
Despite the oil industries and assorted cronies convincing enough Alaskans to vote against our own best interest, they made no promises. BP and other corporations do not hire people because they care for our welfare, and want us to live a warm, secure, wilderburbian lifestyle. Nor are they philanthropic organizations. They exist for one reason only: to make money.
If they can make money with fewer people, they will do so. If they, or any corporation for that matter, can automate part of their production and lower costs by using fewer people, they will do so. If they can increase profits by cutting costs for workplace safety and environmental protection, they will do so ... to the extent that they can do so and not poison the Gulf of Mexico.
Whoops, okay, maybe they failed a bit on that one.
I voted for Prop 1 because I don't think that corporations are people. We as residents of Alaska do not have a personal relationship with BP, or any Hilcorp, or any other company. We have things that they want: gold, coal, fish, oil, natural gas. They needs these commodities in order to make a profit. That is a business relationship, and we need to start acting like we are in one.
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
As if it needed to be said, "VOTE."
The robocalls have been numerous in the last few days, although they generally don't kick over to the answering machine. (Yes, I am enough of a Luddite that I still have a landline... which has totally proven useful when someone *had* to find me... but I am enough of a realist to carry the damned smartphone.) The only one of note was from Elizabeth Stevens, yes, daughter of the late Uncle Ted. Not surprisingly, she was against Prop. 1.
I don't expect this to sway anyone, as likely, anyone stumbling across this wee little bit of blogging is likely a flaming liberal as well. But remember folks:
Corporations are not people, no matter how many television ads are produced that attempt to anthropomorphize them and assign them human values or motivations.
They do not exist to create jobs. They exist to make a profit for their shareholders.
If a corporation can make more money by employing less people, they will do so.
I don't expect this to sway anyone, as likely, anyone stumbling across this wee little bit of blogging is likely a flaming liberal as well. But remember folks:
Corporations are not people, no matter how many television ads are produced that attempt to anthropomorphize them and assign them human values or motivations.
They do not exist to create jobs. They exist to make a profit for their shareholders.
If a corporation can make more money by employing less people, they will do so.
Thursday, August 14, 2014
Sheriff Arpaio called, and he wants me to vote for Joe Miller
Sheriff Joe, famous for tent cities, abuses of power, and racial profiling down in AZ, was kind enough to provide an endorsement of Alaska candidate for U.S. Senate, Joe Miller. Here is what AZ Joe had to say about AK Joe in the message left on my answering machine:
Three things:
"(This is the Joe Miller campaign with an important message.) Hello, this is Sheriff Joe Arpaio. You know our borders are busted and Washington does nothing. But Joe Miller will stop the nonsense. Joe Miller is the only candidate for U.S. Senate with a plan to stop the invasion. Joe will end taxpayer benefits to illegals and foreign aid to nations encouraging illegal immigration and finish the border fence. This Sheriff Joe Arpaio endorsing Joe Miller because he is Alaska's best choice for U.S. Senate.I would have been surprised for the phone call (a robocall) except for the fact that at least one website had already caught wind of a Joe Miller campaign flyer sent to Anchorage voters with some... questionable overtones (pictures of scary tattoed brown people juxtaposed with a picture of Joe Miller smiling while holding a gun) and went off.
Three things:
- I must say, I was a little hurt that I didn't rate a glossy, racist flyer. But given where the Repubs are heading in this campaign, I'll bet there will be all kinds of goodies in the mailbox.
- Perhaps Joe Miller is confused. Perhaps he wants to be Sheriff Joe, not Senator Joe.
- Once again, media Outside are paying better attention to what our whackadoodle crop of candidates are doing than our own media.
Friday, January 24, 2014
Winter, interrupted
It's 35 degrees here in the Goldstream Valley this morning.
But it's January.
Yesterday, morning, freezing rain started to coat the world in a fine patina of ice. In the afternoon, Fairbanks Police were advising that certain roads were closed; the rumors had Ballaine Hill impassable and Ballaine itself marginally driveable.
I took the long way around to get home, via the University, Sheep Creek Road and Goldstream. It was slow going in a line of vehicles (not led by a Subaru, usually the cliche) about 25-30 mph.
This a.m., state offices are delaying opening, a sled dog race is cancelled, and the kiddies have another "ice day" off from school.
But it's January.
![]() |
Rising temperatures yesterday brought fog to the College Road area. |
I took the long way around to get home, via the University, Sheep Creek Road and Goldstream. It was slow going in a line of vehicles (not led by a Subaru, usually the cliche) about 25-30 mph.
This a.m., state offices are delaying opening, a sled dog race is cancelled, and the kiddies have another "ice day" off from school.
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Fairbanks Icecapades: Part Deux
Well, we here at the FBH Compound are pretty thrilled to still have power after the night of freezing rain/drizzle/whatever-the-hell-that-was and heavy winds.
All night I regretted not dealing with that tree which hugs the power line. Every summer doing so is a solemn vow, and every time we get high winds and a bunch of ice, it is suddenly a recrimination.
This latest strange turn of an already odd, odd winter had, according to the News Minus, put 14,000 GVEA customers without power in the wee morning hours. Out here in our neck of the Goldstream we lost power a couple of times, but it was on after a brief time.
While sitting up and drinking coffee -- before heading out to the main road to see if it is worth trying to drive in to work as opposed to working from home through the magic of the Interweb -- we received word that some parts of Fairbanks proper still do not have power. Driving in to work to find that the building doesn't have power would be a fairly crap beginning to the day, I think.
The temperature here is hovering just above freezing, which means that where the roads aren't melting, they are likely getting coated in nice layer of frictionless surface just in time for a truly gnarly morning "rush hour." (Such as it is here in Greater Redneckia).
Never thought I'd say it, but I think I miss the normal cold. I'd be satisfied with a simple -20.
All night I regretted not dealing with that tree which hugs the power line. Every summer doing so is a solemn vow, and every time we get high winds and a bunch of ice, it is suddenly a recrimination.
This latest strange turn of an already odd, odd winter had, according to the News Minus, put 14,000 GVEA customers without power in the wee morning hours. Out here in our neck of the Goldstream we lost power a couple of times, but it was on after a brief time.
While sitting up and drinking coffee -- before heading out to the main road to see if it is worth trying to drive in to work as opposed to working from home through the magic of the Interweb -- we received word that some parts of Fairbanks proper still do not have power. Driving in to work to find that the building doesn't have power would be a fairly crap beginning to the day, I think.
The temperature here is hovering just above freezing, which means that where the roads aren't melting, they are likely getting coated in nice layer of frictionless surface just in time for a truly gnarly morning "rush hour." (Such as it is here in Greater Redneckia).
Never thought I'd say it, but I think I miss the normal cold. I'd be satisfied with a simple -20.
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Build it and they shall come....
As anyone who has happened to wander onto UAF campus this
summer can attest, the campus is a construction war zone. It is as if the
powers-that-be are channeling the Big Dig. First, there is the hole (which used to be a parking lot) that
is slated to be the new engineering building – though the word on the street is
that the U has only secured about ½ of the funds to build the thing. But hey, if there is a better way to get the Lege to unknot
their purse strings than to start a building without all of the money in place to finish and furnish it, I sure can’t think of it.
Snaking away from the hole-to-be-building is the Tanana Loop
utilidor project; at least that is what this blogger thinks it is. All that is really known is that it
involves a lot of men standing around wearing blue hardhats watching men
wearing white hardhats move dirt using very large machines. This project effectively cuts off one of
the scarce student parking lots from the rest of campus, but this really
doesn’t matter, since it appears the parking lot is going to be used indefinitely as a place
to dump dirt from the Big Dig.
On upper campus, there is the construction of an addition to
Wood Center – which is also just a hole in the ground, even though school is
scheduled to start in about a month, with our two weeks of fall and the long
arctic winter not far behind. West
Ridge has some random construction fencing thrown up and men moving dirt around
– and, inexplicably, all of the parking around Butrovitch shut down.
If it seems that I keep highlighting parking lots and the
loss thereof – it is because UAF campus is notorious for really, really, really
shitty parking, unless you happen to be an administrator who a) earns enough to
pay the $800+ yearly fee for a Gold Sticker and b) is lucky enough to get on
the list for a Gold lot reasonably close to where one works. Already students and most faculty are
parking in lots that might as well be on the dark side of the moon. This is
especially true when it is 45 below, and one has to dress in full moon gear
just to avoid freezing to death walking to class.
So, having just taken a walking tour of the campus
construction hot spots, it was with bemusement that I read today the
Chancellor’s memo about the challenging budget year ahead for the University in
AY14. It appears there is an $8.5 million shortfall. Which, you guessed it right, gentle reader, will have to be made up by faculty and staff tightening
their belts (and praying like hell that the non-retention notices and pink
slips aren’t going to start flying).
Specifically the memo reads: “This year, we decided to forgo an across-the-board pullback in favor
of asking units to identify specific budget management actions to address the
shortfall. In all cases, departments and programs are being asked to… look for
ways to save money.” Among the
usual administrative ploys of not filling empty positions, and putting a 90-day
hiring freeze in effect, the University has axed the Office of Career Services.
Maybe I don’t get the whole budget thing when it comes to an institution like the University, but it seems to me that if there is a shortfall,
one doesn’t start poking holes everywhere preparatory to building big,
expensive buildings (the need-more-space argument sort of loses its punch when
there is a hiring freeze, empty positions aren't being filled and programs are vanishing). Also, it is not clear to this blogger how new buildings are really going to address the U's ongoing decline in enrollment and other student-related problems, such as graduation rates.
According to published sources, UAF's graduation rate hovers around
25%. In contrast, the institution I attended (and graduated) has a graduation
rate of 96%. It is also an institution that has in addition to
high-quality academic programs deep support services for students – including but
not limited to sufficient course offerings to enable a student to graduate in
four years (a perennial problem at UAF), and, wait for it, a plethora of
college and career counseling services.
Now it could be that I am totally missing the boat on this
one, but it seems to me that on a campus with a graduation rate that is frankly
in the toilet, and where there are a lot of non-traditional students, including
many students from remote rural Alaska, career counseling
might be a tad bit important.
But not, apparently, as important as legacy items such as
nice, shiny, glassy, sparkly new buildings - even if these buildings will
gradually empty as the budgets shrink even further, faculty and programs are
reduced, and the UA Administration continues its questionable lemming march towards
the e-learning/MOOC cliff.
Another Stupid Idea,
budget crises (not),
university wonks
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
Redistricted Back Into the 'Banks
Funny how a committee gets to move the boundaries on a map, just draw some lines really, and it can alter the political landscape.
Yesterday, I woke up to the news that my little neck of the woods, Goldstream Valley, has been returned to the Fairbanks area. We had a brief little interlude of being gerrymandered the hell out here, along with Ester. Goldstream isn't an incorporated place, just a general location, and is just a shade less kooky, lefty, and out there than Ester.
This is a pretty much "live and let live provided you don't do anything too shady like running a meth lab or start the neighborhood on fire" kind of place with all welcome: lefties, anarchists, homeschoolers, alpaca owners, Democrats, dog mushers, university kids, tradesmen, vegans, bluegrass fans, punk fans, Bible thumpers, atheists, yoga practicioners, chicken raisers, composters .... all doing their own thing, largely, and appreciating that their neighbors are doing their own thing, too.
And that is just fine.
Let's just say there is a "Goldstream State of Mind" and pause for a moment to imagine the truly awesome country song that we might write if we had the time and didn't have to get to work this morning.
But removing Ester and Goldstream from the equation really meant it was going to be easier to elect the sorts of conservatives Interior Alaska is (in)famous for -- the Mike Kelly, Tammie Wilson sorts --- and that is really what the previous version of the map was all about with regard to the Interior.
Yesterday, I woke up to the news that my little neck of the woods, Goldstream Valley, has been returned to the Fairbanks area. We had a brief little interlude of being gerrymandered the hell out here, along with Ester. Goldstream isn't an incorporated place, just a general location, and is just a shade less kooky, lefty, and out there than Ester.
This is a pretty much "live and let live provided you don't do anything too shady like running a meth lab or start the neighborhood on fire" kind of place with all welcome: lefties, anarchists, homeschoolers, alpaca owners, Democrats, dog mushers, university kids, tradesmen, vegans, bluegrass fans, punk fans, Bible thumpers, atheists, yoga practicioners, chicken raisers, composters .... all doing their own thing, largely, and appreciating that their neighbors are doing their own thing, too.
And that is just fine.
Let's just say there is a "Goldstream State of Mind" and pause for a moment to imagine the truly awesome country song that we might write if we had the time and didn't have to get to work this morning.
But removing Ester and Goldstream from the equation really meant it was going to be easier to elect the sorts of conservatives Interior Alaska is (in)famous for -- the Mike Kelly, Tammie Wilson sorts --- and that is really what the previous version of the map was all about with regard to the Interior.
Friday, July 05, 2013
Independence Day in the Peoples Independent Republic of Ester
Not only did we get to take in Ester's 4th of July Parade yesterday, we finally got some rain around here!
For those of you unfortunate enough to live elsewhere, the 4th in Ester is a quirky, humorous lefty affair. Some participants go for weird, others for a political message, and there has usually been a flying pig involved.
This year's parade was smaller than when I last attended several years ago, but still had the same oddball spirit. My particular favorites were the folks running an "anti-bird vetch" campaign locally, the discount drone man, and the Ester VFD's dance interpretation of "Staying Alive" for the crowd gathered at the Golden Eagle. I don't think any of the other VFD's would even try to pull that one off.
For those of you unfortunate enough to live elsewhere, the 4th in Ester is a quirky, humorous lefty affair. Some participants go for weird, others for a political message, and there has usually been a flying pig involved.
This year's parade was smaller than when I last attended several years ago, but still had the same oddball spirit. My particular favorites were the folks running an "anti-bird vetch" campaign locally, the discount drone man, and the Ester VFD's dance interpretation of "Staying Alive" for the crowd gathered at the Golden Eagle. I don't think any of the other VFD's would even try to pull that one off.
Anti-bird vetch advocates spreading the message. |
Discount drones, coming soon to a Fred Meyer guncase near you. |
Kudos to the Ester VFD for the best choreographed entry. |
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Supremely good news re: DOMA
Congratulations and thank you to the SCOTUS for its rulings on gay marriage that have just swallowed this news cycle whole. And a belated shout out to Senator Lisa Murkowski, who came out in support of gay marriage recently, I might add.
This apparently leaves untouched the various state constitutional amendments defining marriage as between a man and woman -- it passed in one of those charming referendums here in Alaska in 1998 -- but it will have implications here in Alaska nonetheless.
Those who think that Alaska is populated solely by ultra-right wing, evangelical rednecks might be surprised to learn that the State of Alaska already provides same-sex partner benefits for its employees. This came after a 2005 ruling by the Alaska Supreme Court that it was unconstitutional for the state to continue to deny state employees (and retirees) benefits for their domestic partners. Of course, The Lege tried to end run the Alaska Supreme Court on that with HB 4001, but Sarah Palin vetoed the bill on the advice of the Department of Law (not because she was supportive of gay rights or anything.) The whole "unconstitutional" thing pretty much trumped legislation by bigots.
Since then, state employees with same sex partners have been going about their lives, doing their jobs, and the earth has continued to orbit the sun, all with little impact on the marriages of heterosexual couples statewide. With health insurance for the same same sex partners of state employees. Taxable health insurance, mind you.
The SCOTUS ruling that the federal government can not deny federal benefits to same-sex couple will hopefully mean that health insurance benefits will no longer be considered "imputed income" and reported as untaxed income to the IRS. As noted on the State of Alaska webpage "Tax Implications for Enrolling Same-Sex Partners"
After the supreme disappointment (a ha ha) that was the ruling on the Voting Rights Act, it is great to see a positive outcome on this one.
This apparently leaves untouched the various state constitutional amendments defining marriage as between a man and woman -- it passed in one of those charming referendums here in Alaska in 1998 -- but it will have implications here in Alaska nonetheless.
Those who think that Alaska is populated solely by ultra-right wing, evangelical rednecks might be surprised to learn that the State of Alaska already provides same-sex partner benefits for its employees. This came after a 2005 ruling by the Alaska Supreme Court that it was unconstitutional for the state to continue to deny state employees (and retirees) benefits for their domestic partners. Of course, The Lege tried to end run the Alaska Supreme Court on that with HB 4001, but Sarah Palin vetoed the bill on the advice of the Department of Law (not because she was supportive of gay rights or anything.) The whole "unconstitutional" thing pretty much trumped legislation by bigots.
Since then, state employees with same sex partners have been going about their lives, doing their jobs, and the earth has continued to orbit the sun, all with little impact on the marriages of heterosexual couples statewide. With health insurance for the same same sex partners of state employees. Taxable health insurance, mind you.
The SCOTUS ruling that the federal government can not deny federal benefits to same-sex couple will hopefully mean that health insurance benefits will no longer be considered "imputed income" and reported as untaxed income to the IRS. As noted on the State of Alaska webpage "Tax Implications for Enrolling Same-Sex Partners"
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has determined that the cost of providing benefits for same-sex partners and their children who do not meet the IRC Section 152 (as modified by IRC Code Section 105(b)) definition of qualified “dependents” is considered ordinary or “imputed income” and is, therefore, subject to taxes.The fair-market value for health insurance for a same-sex couple is $808 per month.
After the supreme disappointment (a ha ha) that was the ruling on the Voting Rights Act, it is great to see a positive outcome on this one.
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
At Extreme Everything
Happy belated Solstice! Here we are at the height of summer, and whoo boy, we are overachieving on all points this year here in Greater Redneckia.
First it was a ridiculously cool, late spring.
Next came the truly prodigious number of mosquitos.
At the moment, we are sitting here baking in a prolonged heat wave that has everyone wondering when someone will accidentally start a fire. Conditions are perfect for extreme fire behavior here, with high temperatures, no recent precipitation or forecast, and wind -- and let's not forget the fact that where there are human beings, someone is going to make a bad decision eventually.
As a result:
We spent yesterday "fire-wising" The Compound in the morning. Not to be a middle-aged lecturer (Gods, when did this happen?), but I'd highly recommend that folks make their property defensible.
As for the kiddie pool, we looked around for one yesterday, dignity be damned. If I can find one in town today, I will feel no shame sitting in the yard sharing the pool with the dog. But I'm not sharing the cold beer.
First it was a ridiculously cool, late spring.
Next came the truly prodigious number of mosquitos.
At the moment, we are sitting here baking in a prolonged heat wave that has everyone wondering when someone will accidentally start a fire. Conditions are perfect for extreme fire behavior here, with high temperatures, no recent precipitation or forecast, and wind -- and let's not forget the fact that where there are human beings, someone is going to make a bad decision eventually.
As a result:
- You can't find any mosquito dope for purchase
- Oregon crews have been brought in, along with additional retardant tankers, just in case
Both Fred Meyer's are sold out of kiddie poolsEditors note on 6/26: The Steese Fred Meyer's did in fact have them. But apparently, fans and air conditioners are pretty tough to find.
We spent yesterday "fire-wising" The Compound in the morning. Not to be a middle-aged lecturer (Gods, when did this happen?), but I'd highly recommend that folks make their property defensible.
As for the kiddie pool, we looked around for one yesterday, dignity be damned. If I can find one in town today, I will feel no shame sitting in the yard sharing the pool with the dog. But I'm not sharing the cold beer.
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